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what is vedic meditation?

The Vedic Meditation Technique* is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practised for 20 minutes in the morning and evening, while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.

Vedic Meditation (sometimes referred to as transcendental meditation) allows the activity of thinking to become increasingly quiet and settled. This process continues until the mind transcends the finest impulse of thought and experiences its quietest, most settled state while alertness is fully maintained. At the same time the body gains a state of very deep rest.

Following the practice you feel refreshed mentally and physically – the mind is calmer and more alert, thinking is clearer and energy levels increase. People find they can achieve more with less effort, and that work, recreation and relationships are more rewarding.

The technique of Vedic Meditation is widely practised in the West and the benefits of this technique on all areas of life have been validated by more than 600 scientific research studies, conducted during the past 30 years at over 200 research institutes and universities in 30 countries. Research into the effects of Vedic Meditation demonstrate its ability to create powerful, measurable changes in the physiology and has been found to be more effective than other meditation and relaxation techniques in promoting mental and physical well-being.

*The Veda is the body of knowledge from ancient India that is the source of Yoga, Meditation, and Ayurvedic medicine, and is the basis of Indian Philosophy.

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